Agree! He took her life and has got to live his with no consequences. He should rot in jail until he dies.
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Are all the UCP haters happy now? Another $500,000 in taxpayer money plus $120,000 in salary for this judge to oversee an investigation that will result in one of two things:
1) Confirmation of no wrongdoing by anyone in the current government or
2) Findings of wrong doing with either a slap on the wrist and a fine to be paid, or no punishment at all (more likely).
The next time the government says there’s no money for new social programs/schools/teachers/nurses, etc., or cuts to existing programs, please remember that you all asked for this.
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How many people have voted yes, but have no idea what is even involved in the Province’s procurement practices? IMO, the results of this poll are going to be very skewed based on political loyalties and nothing more. There should have been a third option for voting in this poll - “I don’t know enough about it to have an opinion”, which is what I would have selected.
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This is ridiculous. How much money will be spent on a “revised study”? More waste of taxpayer dollars. How about you just hold a plebiscite/vote as part of the municipal election this fall? If the majority vote is no, then no further time or money needs to be wasted on this. If it’s yes (highly doubtful), THEN explore getting a revised study.
IMHO, the cost of buying & housing chickens will far outweigh the cost of buying eggs as part of your grocery run. Not to mention the tiny setbacks between houses in Cochrane. If either one of my neighbours got chickens in their backyard, I’d be moving ASAP. The smell and the noise would be unbearable.
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@have you had enough - I think you’ve misinterpreted the article a bit. Extendicare received public money as a subsidy for wage top ups during the pandemic AND paid out shareholders as a private company. Nowhere in the article does it say that the public money received was redirected to shareholders. It does say they managed to remain profitable after the pandemic, and this is likely largely in part due to the fact that received public money for wage top ups.
To be clear, I’m not defending Extendicare, but the article does say that in order to receive the subsidies, there were specific reporting requirements, which they met.
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MD of Bonnyville Coun. Dana Swigart said “I wish these oil companies had to meet with the MD. We only find out when they apply to use our roads.”
This is not true. The MD, as the Local Authority as defined by D56, gets a notification of the project, and there is a mandatory 14 day waiting period after the date of notification before the project can be licensed. So she’s either not telling the truth or she doesn’t know what the regulations actually are.
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I would like to think that most landlords don’t raise rents arbitrarily. Cost of living for everyone has gone up exponentially. Interest rates and all forms of taxes have gone up. That means mortgage payments and condo fees are higher, as well as property taxes. People who own rental properties cannot afford to absorb all of those increases in order to keep rents low for others. It’s a bad situation for a lot of people, but rent control is not the answer. If rental property owners cannot at the very least make ends meet, let alone turn a profit, they will sell, which will mean fewer rental properties available with no marked increase in “affordable” housing. I put affordable in quotes because that word means something different to almost everyone.
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No listings have been posted by Cindy Kaufman
Agree 100% Gregory!
The Liberals replacing Trudeau with Carney while essentially keeping the exact same cabinet will not bring the changes we need.
Any policy announcements and promises for change they have announced since Carney was sworn in are all ideas the Poilievre has spoken about for months already (e.g. removing the carbon tax, no GST on new homes under $1 million). For the Liberal lovers, a quick Google search can confirm this.
People keep asking where Poilievre and the Conservative platform is. Well folks, there’s a reason he’s not released the entire thing before an election is called, because the competition (who conveniently also controls the media) are already stealing his ideas and presenting them as their own. 🤔
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