Bylaw 02/2024 : Greystone Phase 7 Land Use Amendment
Statutory Public Hearing
February 12, 2024 | 5:30pm | Cochrane RancheHouse
Any member of the public may attend to hear comments.
410 River Avenue & a portion of NW 23-25-4-W5M
What is the Greystone Phase 7 Land Use Amendment?
This is an application to change the land use on a parcel of land from
Special Industrial to Residential Low Density (R-LD) and Residential Mix (RMX)
District within the Greystone community.
What does this mean?
As the former gravel operations have concluded, the lands within the
Greystone community are now proposed to be re-developed. This
amendment would allow for the development of low to medium density
residential development within Greystone
How can I get more information?
Come to the Cochrane RancheHouse (101 RancheHouse Rd.) between 8:30
a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Planning staff can explain what is proposed, how it might impact you and
how the Public Hearing process works.
Can I provide comments?
Interested parties can submit written comments on the proposed change at before the Public Hearing.
To speak at the Public Hearing, please arrive before the start time and sign
the speakers’ list.
To make a presentation (5-minute time limit), please send a copy by 10
a.m., Thursday, February 8, 2024: Town of Cochrane, 101 RancheHouse Rd
or [email protected] to Town of Cochrane, 101 RancheHouse Rd or
[email protected] (quote Bylaw 02/2024: Greystone Phase 7 Land Use
[email protected]
Public submissions, including name and address, will form part of the official record
for the public hearing which is available to the public and published on
This notice is given pursuant to Sections 606 and 692 of the Municipal Government
Act, Revised Statutes of Alberta, 2000, Chapter M-26, as amended. Advertised
February 1, 2024 and February 8, 2024.