Dear Santa,
Yes, it’s me again.
I wrote to you two years ago and asked you to help me find my Christmas mo-jo, remember?
I was so pleased when you replied and told me about a special book, “The 29 Gifts”. It was a big hit and really helped me find my missing mo-jo.
And here I am again, asking for more help from you.
I’ve been thinking about the chemo treatments I have just recently had, and the nasty side-effects that come along with them. I got to thinking about side-effects and started wondering why side-effects are always negative.
Take a look at any package of medication, whether it is over the counter or a prescription and you will notice that the side-effects are almost worse than the reason you are taking the medication.
Santa, why can’t the side-effects be positive.
Something like, “Will make you incredibly sexy” or “Caution: may make you utterly gorgeous/handsome”. Wouldn’t that be better?
Another thing.
When I go to the Tom Baker Cancer Centre, it is always busy. The waiting rooms are full. Wouldn’t it be nice if those waiting rooms were empty, not because the centre had closed, but because there were no more cancer patients.
And while you’re at it, if you can’t see your way to eliminate cancer, could you at least spare the young people and children out there from this dreaded disease?
I see so many young adults going through treatment and it breaks my heart. They haven’t even had a chance to live their lives.
I realize that what I ask for is a tall order, but Santa, I’ve always had faith in you and you have yet to disappoint me.
You’ve already answered some of my Christmas requests.
I was at my oncologist last week and he is given me a chemo holiday — no treatments for the month of December! Yeah!
I may feel human again for the holidays.