I wanted to acknowledge what seems to have been a shift in your reporting to longer, more thorough and comprehensive articles. They are no longer a "skim the headlines" kind of read, which makes for a more interesting and informative article. The in-depth investigation and reporting often provides point and counterpoint, allowing the reader to form the basis of their own opinion and to make more inquiries if they have the interest.
I am enjoying this change quite a bit so whatever you're doing, keep on doing it!
PS: I know you have a few journalism students writing for you and as a writer myself, I'm sure I might be more sensitive than some to grammar, spelling and word usage. I do notice small issues regarding these things fairly frequently so maybe a more robust editorial look-see would alleviate these niggling issues. Or... maybe it's just a "me" thing and not an issue at all :)
Cheryl Whittal,
Cochrane, AB