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Coffee with Warren: The wings of prayer

The symbolism of the osprey perched atop the chapel's bell tower invites a moment of reflection—whether it's there to "prey" or to "pray."
Photos: Osprey wing by Jo-Anne Oucharek, all others by Warren Harbeck.

Last week’s column raised the intriguing question: Are ospreys birds of prey, or birds of pray? Well, this week, in answer to that, I’d like to go into my personal experience of ospreys as birds of pray. But first, I want to share a response to that column from one of our longtime coffee companions, Kalim Ahmed. Kalim wrote:

YOUR ARTICLE BEAUTIFULLY captures the wonder and reverence that ospreys inspire. As an amateur photographer, I've always been captivated by these magnificent birds, especially their grandeur in perching, flight and their diving and hunting skills, to this photographer’s delight. One of my favorite spots to witness these incredible creatures is the osprey nest along Hwy 1A near Exshaw — a must-stop on any journey westwards for me.

The symbolism of the osprey perched atop the chapel's bell tower, as you mentioned, invites a moment of reflection—whether it's there to "prey" or to "pray." To me, it feels like an invitation to praise the Creator for the flawless beauty found in His creations. Hazrat Ahmad, the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, eloquently expressed similar sentiments in his poetry, reflecting on how nature constantly reminds us of the divine. Here’s a translation of one of his couplets:

"The grandeur of Your power, O Beloved, is astonishing on all sides; / Wherever we look, we see the paths leading to Your sight."

It’s moments like these, standing in awe of the osprey, that remind us of the interconnectedness of all creation and the artistry of the Creator behind it all.

YES, THE ARTISTRY of the Creator certainly underlies my own experience of osprey wings in my prayer life. A photo by award-winning Cochrane photographer Jo-Anne Oucharek made this point really vivid for me. (See my column for June 9, 2022.)

 Ospreys, like eagles and similar birds, have a way of wrapping their wings around their young for protection and provision. This imagery is reflected often in the Bible, such as in Psalm 91:4 “He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge.”

 Now, when praying for people and situations, more and more I pray for them, not by words, but by envisioning such wings over them, leaving it up to the all-knowing, compassionate Creator to care for them, not as I will, but as the Creator wills.

 Thank you, Kalim and Jo-Anne, for your inspiration by word and image.


© 2024 Warren Harbeck

[email protected]


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