Cochrane recreational users may notice an increased presence from members of the local RCMP detachment on waterways, in parks and open spaces and throughout the trail system, beginning July 10.
“It’s a detachment initiative,” said Corp. Mel Calahasen with the local RCMP. “We’re trying to become more visible in the community.”
Calahasen explained that this includes the trail, waterway and park systems in rural Cochrane areas, such as ensuring area boaters aren’t operating under the influence and are supplied with emergency supplies and general knowledge with how to operate small vessels on waterways.
Members from the local detachment will be patrolling on foot, bike, boat and ATVs with hopes that an increased presence will ‘maximize safety and curtail criminal or suspicious activity throughout the summer season’, according to a press release sent out July 7.
With prevention in mind, Calahasen said an increased RCMP presence is an educational tool to “get to know the community and be a part of the community”.
“We’re hoping more people will see members of the RCMP on the street and say hello.”
The Cochrane RCMP non-emergency line is 403-851-8000.