An informal press conference was held at the Spray Lake Sawmills (SLS) Centre on Nov. 26 to present cheques to the five Cochrane and area non-profits benefiting from the 5th annual Monumental Tournament of Aces (golf tourney); and to announce the joined forces of the Jan. 18-19 Kimmett Cup 5 and Hockey Quest (HQ) 500.
The goal of this partnership is to raise a combined $100,000 for Right to Play.
“We were involved with Soccer Quest 42... this is another phenomenal initiative and it’s just what SLS was put here for,” said SLS general manager, Robin Mitchell, who will be donating ice time for the Kimmett Cup and HQ 500, along with Cochrane Minor Hockey.
Hockey Quest 500 is marathon man Martin Parnell’s 5th quest to raise $1 million for international children in a 10-year span.
This upcoming attempt to set a Guinness World Record is for the biggest exhibition game of hockey, also a new record.
“We’re hoping to put through 500 players on the ice in eight hours, with each player playing ten minutes,” explained Parnell.
“We’re looking for individuals to sign up to play,” said Parnell.
Parnell added that unlike the preceding quests, this one isn’t endurance-based, therefore, children under 16 are encouraged to come out, hit the ice and contribute to making the world record.
The five recipients, each receiving $14,000 from funds raised at the Monumental Tourney of Aces include: the Cochrane Activettes, Cochrane Family and Community Support Services, Cochrane Victim Services, the Boys and Girls Club of Cochrane and Area and Boma la Mama Tanzanian Safe Birthing Centre and School of Midwifery.
Boma la Mama also received $20,000, earned from a special auction prize of 10 buyers of Paul McCartney luxury bus trip tickets.
“It’s a pretty good day when you get $34,000,” said Leesha Mafuru of Boma la Mama.
“I still can’t really believe be chosen as one of the recipients and then as the highlighted recipient is amazing.”
Leesha said her husband and co-founder, Lawrence Mafuru, will be heading to Tanzania for two-and-a-half months in February, 2013, to begin construction of a Kindergarten school, which will pave the way for the grand plan — to build a midwifery school and birthing centre in Arusha, Tanzania. To learn more go to
To register for the Kimmett Cup and HQ 500, visit and sign up.