Hundreds of Holy Spirit students filled Spray Lake Sawmills Family Sport Centre last Friday as the elementary kids got schooled in physical literacy.
“We learn better if we’ve been active,” said Janis Stambene, Grade 4 teacher.
“It is important to focus on developing physical literacy ... we recognize that kids need to move but they also need to know how to move.”
Sport for Life describes physical literacy as the “cornerstone of both participation and excellence in physical activity and sport.”
Kindergarten to Grade 6 students spent the day jumping, hopping and skipping, while also being able to participate in yoga, karate, and a Zumba party.
“Spray Lakes has been phenomenal,” said principal Greg Woitas.
The facility helped out with the third annual health fair by providing instructors throughout the morning workshops, while the older students helped teach during the afternoon.
“The kids will be leading the classes - it gives them a chance to work on their leadership role,” Stambene said.
According to the Sport for Life website, physically literate individuals make choices that engage them in physical activity, recreation or sport activities that enhance their physical and psychological wellness.
The health fair, which organizers described as more of a “sports day,” is also meant to encourage the students to participate in physical activities outsides of school and at home.
“It’s great for physical health and mental health,” Woitas said.