Cochrane's own friary celebrated its 70th anniversary last week and the message of the evening was that its future holds change. During the evening's festivities the Franciscan Friars of Canada – 10 of whom were present – announced the unification of the country's western and eastern chapters. "It's a big thing because it's a new beginning," said Pierre Charland, the new minister provincial who will head up the unified provinces. The Franciscan Friars are a faith-based fraternity. Its resources, including financials, are shared among the group. Until now, there were two provinces, one for either half of the country. However, the number of friars is dwindling as their population ages and new membership enrollment slows. Charland said the unification of group is hoped to be a revitalization. "We were a little scattered and now we're coming together to share in the mission and evangelizing in Canada," Charland said. Susan Campbell, director for retreat house Mt. St. Francis, said it's also about avoiding role duplicity. "If you've got two whole provincial offices then you've got two people that are doing the same job so they want to be able to amalgamate that," Campbell said. "I think it's an opportunity for them to look at what is our mission, what is our mandate what is it that we're called to do and focus our attention on that." The Canadian friars are part of the international community of Franciscans, with members coming from as far as India. The Mount St. Francis retreat is one of Canada's largest friar house. It hosts prayers, spiritual retreats and other events for community members. "I think it's a marvelous idea," said Terry Coles, a regular visitor of Mt. St. Francis for the last 20 years. "Having spent some time with friars out here I know that growth is important to the Franciscans from any angle." Coles said continuing to introduce the community to the friars will help with increase attendance. "I've been out for various events and for masses during the week. We've planned a couple of events in the past. One (event) we had this spring was a dinner (and) we brought about 50 people out here. It worked for the friars to have this dinner to help introduce other people to Mt. St. Francis," Coles said. "It's such a beautiful place and I wish so many other people would come to enjoy it."