Despite a sweeping majority victory of Justin Trudeau’s Liberals in Canada’s 42nd federal election, Conservative incumbent Blake Richards handily won the newly-formed Banff-Airdrie riding.
With 40,617 votes, Richards took the seat by a wide margin, with the Liberals’ Marlo Raynolds trailing in second at 16,517, NDP’s Joanne Boissonneault at 3,951 and Green candidate Mike MacDonald at 2,383. (The Tory MP received more votes than all three opposition parties combined).
“First and foremost for me, I am humbled by our constituents. Any time you’re chosen to represent your fellow citizens in our Parliament it’s a real big honour,” Richards related.
After holding office since 2008, Richards said he’s prepared to shift gears as a member of the new official Opposition but continue to act as a strong representative for the riding.
“The first and foremost priority is to be a voice for your constituents. To be a voice for my constituents, carry their interests forward, fight hard on their behalf and hold the government to account where needed.
“I’m prepared to continue to work hard on behalf of my constituents, be their voice in Ottawa and hold the Liberal government’s feet to the fire,” he said, adding he plans to “hold them to account and press hard for the issues that my constituents have given me a mandate to press on – things like balanced budgets, lower taxes, safe and secure country.”
Richards said he ran his campaign in much the same manner as past – focusing on meeting as many voters directly as he could.
“During the course of the campaign, my campaign, with help of a lot of hard-working volunteers, we were able to reach every household in the riding. And some of them two or three times.
“That was the approach we had for this campaign, that’s the one we’ve always had for our previous campaigns as well.”
Despite the loss of 67 ridings from 166 in 2011, he commented that Stephen Harper and his party had much to take pride in – from weathering the global economic recession to balancing the budget to lowering taxes.
“I’m sure it was difficult for him last night but he should also be very proud to have his record as prime minister. It was an honour to serve his caucus and work on the priorities of my constituents through and with his leadership.”
With Harper stepping down as party leader, the Eagle asked if Richards had any aspirations on the position.
“I’m focused on being a representative myself for our constituency and I don’t entertain any thoughts of that at this point,” he answered.
Richards said his party will continue to champion Conservative values.
“We’ll work hard to hold the government to account, we’ll push the message of fiscal responsibility and lower taxes and balanced budgets. We’ll work hard to carry that message forward.”