Cochrane singer Sharon Marie White’s new single “I’ll bring the wine,” has been nominated for a country music award and she has no idea who made it happen.
“I’ll bring the wine” was nominated in the traditional country song of the year category at the Josie Music Awards, which cover all categories in the independent music field.
White said she was thrilled to be nominated for the prestigious award.
“The email said there were over 50,000 songs submitted, so, it’s you know, ‘You’re doing something right, girl,’” she said with a laugh.
The awards show will be in Nashville, Tennessee in October.
White said she will not attend, but her co-writer Dan Washburn, who goes to Nashville often to work on songs, will possibly be there in October anyway, so he would attend on behalf of the duo if the timing worked out.
The single, released in March, tells the story of a couple who can’t seem to let each other go completely.
“It's about how there's so many couples that, even in in my life, that I have noticed they say they're broke up, and nowadays it's hard to find people and they kind of are brought back together, because there's still something there,” she said.
“There's still a bond between them, so that's basically what the song says: ‘Let's not look back tonight, let's just have a couple of drinks and enjoy each other's company.’”
White said that message really resonated with a lot of people and may explain why the tune is getting a lot of airplay.
White grew up in the small town of Napinka, Man. (pop. 132), and moved to Cochrane 20 years ago with her husband Brad, whom she works with in their oil and gas consulting business.
The Josie Music Awards, according to their website, “recognize and reward excellence, outstanding talents, and remain focused on the creativity across the independent music industry.”
It is the largest music award show in the independent music industry, which brings in thousands from around the globe yearly.
“I’ll bring the wine” is available on Amazon, Spotify, Apple Music, and on other music streaming platforms.
The other way White’s music is exposed to listeners is through online radio, and she’s had DJs play her songs in Ireland, Scotland, the U.K., and the U.S. as well as in Canada.
For a taste of White’s music, go to or visit her channel on YouTube.
Her next gig will be at a veterans benefit concert at Hoggins Ranch in Red Deer in July.