Bow Valley High School held its Blue & Gold Celebration last week, where almost 100 students received awards. The awards celebrated extra-curricular athletics, fine arts, service activities, and school groups for the 2018-2019 school year.
1 / 1Bow Valley High School's cheer team award recipients: Jordan Pohl (Most Valuable Participant), Charlotte Vos (Rookie), Kirstin Cinnamon (Heart Award), Staff Coach Tara Miller-Plouffe (Missing: Shayla Brass, Coaches Maya and Emma Griscowsky).
Bow Valley High School held its Blue & Gold Celebration last week, where almost 100 students received awards. The awards celebrated extra-curricular athletics, fine arts, service activities, and school groups for the 2018-2019 school year. (Photos courtesy of Tara Sly)