Dear Editor:
This year’s Light Up is over for one more year. It is time for me to thank the five volunteers who were such a tremendous help to me Linda, Betty, Shelly, Brenda, Ali you guys are great thanks for all your help, without you the show would not go on!
To my husband and daughter, thank you for all your help and support, I love you guys. Light Up is a volunteer and community driven event and with all the help that the Light Up committee received this year this event is sure to continue to be a success for many years to come. It was truly an honour to organize an event that has become such a tradition in Cochrane.
There is so many people to thank and the list is huge but these people give their time to make it a success. Santa, Cochrane Fire Department, Cochrane Boy Scouts, Canada World Youth, 2512 Army Cadets, Cochrane Roads Dept. (thanks for the laughs).
Thank you to all the Fire Pot sponsors, you did a great job getting out almost 4,000 hotdogs.
Thank you residents of Cochrane, you drank every last drop of hot chocolate and not a single hot dog was left. By our estimate over 2500 of you came out to support this wonderful event. An enormous thank you to the weather, we could not have asked for better!
I know Light Up 2013 is hard to think about right now but, we would really like to grow our committee.
Cochrane is growing and this event is getting bigger. We would love to get some new faces on our committee.
If you would like to get involved please email [email protected]
Until next year, Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year
Shana Bruder