You do not have to be a far right radical socialist to see i.e. with both eyes wide open that Donald Trump does not want to be scrutinized or share governance with the other two EQUAL BRANCHES within their governing constitution.
Mr. Davies no doubt supports "Make America Great (White) Again," while upholding Trump's over 15,000 "proven lies." His Trump patriotism should decree Davies an automatic visa pass into America where he can pay dearly for health care especially if he or an unfortunate family member has a precondition.
A majority of Americans DID NOT VOTE for this narcissistic, corrupt hypocrite, and when push comes to shove - Canadians (Cochranites) do not need autocratic Davies' machine gun toting, anti-multicultural dictatorial fake news pro Trump mindlessness. We can also be thankful Mr. Davies is no longer a member of town Council.
- Ivan Davies