Leugner had said: "A true Conservative is a citizen who believes in personal responsibility, self reliance and moral Christian behaviour in every aspect of his or her life, taxation rates as low as possible (necessary only for national support of healthcare, education, policing and military), market driven wage and salary growth, and total elimination of crown corporations’. ‘Alberta is the only entrepreneurial province left in Canada, thus Albertans are more hardworking, aggressively self reliant and productive and feel personally responsible for their own welfare and future strength and success of their families".
Fact check: Non Christians also can be moral. Legal system supports excluded? Even the Wild West had its sheriffs. Low income Canadians surviving on more than one job work just as hard as Alberta entrepreneurs.
Leugner has stated that the People's Party of Canada (PPC) is the true conservative party. The people spoke. PPC received zero seats.
Liberals rightfully changed financial rules for family entrepreneurs on income sprinkling, earning passive investment income in corporations, and transferring dividends to children under the age of 18 since that would be double dipping with the Canada Child Benefit. Conservatives promised to reverse some of these rules.
Since singles never married with no children, millennials not yet married and early in life, divorced persons without children who are basically financially responsible to themselves, "Income sprinkling", etc. is of no benefit to these entrepreneurs so they will pay more taxes. Why would singles and millennials even try entrepreneurship when they know they will not have the same advantage? Singles are forced to be more personally responsible since they do not receive equivalent benefits in financial formulas.
Leugner with his Ayn Rand'ian principles ought to refresh his memory on what happened to Sears. In 2008, Sears CEO Eddie Lampert restructured Sears according to Rand’s principles. Executives and employees undermined each others units because they knew their bonuses were tied to individual unit performance. Sears became a miserable place to work. As a result, Sears went bankrupt in Canada. Greed took over with upper executives receiving bonuses and employee pensions robbed.
When Ayn Rand, habitual user of amphetamines, died she was surviving on medicare and social security benefits, aka ‘socialism’ so stated by Leugner.
- Lin Gackle