I'm writing about the $1.1-million cost over run for the Highway 1A project. I anticipate further cost over runs in the future. I have reviewed the presentation of this project to town council by Town administration prior to the authorization of the funds for this project. I must admit, I was underwhelmed by the lack of questions by council members at that time. It turns out I was right to feel that there were critical details that were missing. A project should never have been authorized without firm commitments for building materials.
I know the above comments sound critical and perhaps I’m being unfair given this project was plagued by timeline conditions demanded by the UCP government who continues election-style spending. However, I still maintain that more questions should have been asked so that the true costs of this project were known.
There is starting to be a disturbing trend with this council concerning financial management. I also still find it a little sur real that this council gave themselves a post-election raise while imposing a 10 per cent tax increase.
Dan Cunin