Dear Editor:
Having attended the Jan. 11 climate change presentation and discussion in Cochrane, I am compelled to submit a response to the information provided.
The time has come to move beyond the typical volley of scientific facts and intellectual insults that are the usual interaction between the differing opinions on this matter.
The presentation was a poorly done power point display of Al Gore fear mongering, with unsubstantiated statistics and sad pictures of drought and flooding around the world, designed to evoke gasps from the audience and the sound of wallets and purses opening.
No mention of Gore for some reason, as the luster has begun to come off of his inconvenient message. And only brief comment on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the disgraced United Nations concubine of misinformation.
My appeal would be to the three young people who attended with the question of what they can do about climate change. The answer to that question was given by the panelists — education.
Educate yourselves as to what is really going on here. Keep an open mind. Think critically. Look at all the real scientific information. Don’t be caught up in a closed, unwilling to bend mindset, almost religious in its fervor.
One panelist felt it was fitting that these discussions take place in the sanctuary of a church. I felt it was sacrilegious. Worse yet, is the fact that our schools would allow these Gore disciples of doom into the classroom.
The science is the science. Study it. Look at all the angles, all the facts. Follow the money and see who is profiting and stands to profit from this industry that has been termed the hoax of global warming.
Is it a hoax? Is it a scam? What is a carbon tax? What would Cap and Trade do to the economy?
Discover that these schemes would not change C02 levels or global temperature one iota.
Learn that C02 is not pollution. Don’t let me or anyone distract you from your search.
I challenge you to begin today, following the principals of scientific investigation.
Brian Davis