PHOTOS: Swans pause at Northern Alberta during migration south

In Lac La Nonne on Sunday, Nov. 3 Laura Lockwood-Cox captured this photo of an adult swan stretching their wings.
Laura Lockwood-Cox photographed this swan landing on the water on Lac La Nonne Lake on Sunday Nov. 3.
Swans take a stop on thier migration at Lac La Nonne Lake with other waterfowl on Sunday, Nov. 3.Photo taken by Laura Lockwood-Cox.
Young swans and a few canadaina geese float on Lac La Nonne lake enjoying the sunshine on Sunday, Nov. 3. Photo taken by Laura Lockwood-Cox.
White adult swans with this year's grey-coloured babies on Lac La Nonne Lake on Sunday, Nov. 3.Photo taken by Laura Lockwood-Cox.

GALLERY - LAC LA NONNE - Laura Lockwood-Cox, a Lac La Nonne Resident, was fortunate enough to catch photos of swans pausing for a few days rest on Lac La Nonne lake, which is a yearly stop on their migration path.

"I love taking pictures of wildlife," Lockwood-Cox said. "The swans usually come later just before the lake freezes."

She photographed these beautiful birds at Williams Beach on Sunday, Nov. 3. The white swans are the adult birds, while the grey swans are this year's babies. 

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