A glowing, green fireball streaked across B.C.'s night sky Wednesday

A bright green fireball streaked across the Okanagan sky Wednesday night, and sightings were reported elsewhere in southern B.C.

The exciting celestial event occurred just before 10 p.m. Wednesday and residents across Kelowna, Kamloops and down to Osoyoos reported seeing the fireball.

One Castanet reader who lives near Kelowna International Airport said it appeared in the sky to the west.

“It didn't have a fast movement to it, it sort of came flowing down,” he said. “It was a very bright green, beautiful orb, just very strange, that fell out of the sky last night.”

Kamloops resident Justin Moss caught the event on his house's surveillance camera, pointing south towards the TRU campus.

People living on Vancouver Island posted online about seeing the event as well, along with others in Washington State.

While it's not clear what the fireball in the sky was, the Eta Aquariids meteor shower is currently ongoing. The meteor shower, associated with Halley's Comet, generally runs from about April 19 to May 28 every year, peaking around May 5 or 6.

A meteor's colour is indicative of the chemical makeup of a meteor. Those with a lot of nickel glow green when they burn up in the earth's atmosphere.

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